
Become Our Distributor

We trust in bringing these natural honey flavors to as many houses as possible and for that we are looking forward to partner with the right set of people who have the same vision as ours.

As rightly said by Helen Keller -

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"

So, don’t wait and think…just start out with us as a distributor for our natural products and make abundant profit while enhancing the health and lives of people around us.

Let’s join hands with confidence that every jar of Sumeya honey is certified to be pure and you will get with it the complete support of our team which has years of experience in selling the purest form of honey.

To be amongst our first few distributors….contact us now!!

Get in Touch



+91 9560871133

+91 9911339586

A-38/1, 4TH Floor, Shaheen Bagh, Abul Fazal Enclave Part-2 Jamia Nagar, South East, Delhi-110025